I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Dawn Dawn

Please pray please pray to God will forgive me my sins that God will wash my soul and spiritually the God will save me for my sins I become a born again Christian I've been very conscience for my sins but God will heal me and bless me physically mentally emotionally I get healing I fear hell the last day is coming God's coming 2026 I pray that God will have mercy on me a being heaven with God the God will bless you by the holy Spirit my sins are forgiven please pray for me please pray for my mother and my sister Amanda and Jen is still on my mother and sister please pray that God will forgive them their sins and wash away their sins like God will save their soul rest is so at peace and God will have mercy on him and heal them from their sins that got to open their eyes and they become a born again Christian please for I don't lose my house soon that my mother like she is my concern please way she will fight for me and stick up for my rights in the group home please pray she believes things I say is the truth she don't leave anything to stay back to my family and then my family please by my family don't believe them never my family will fight for my rights to fight for me to keep my house and I never lose my house and be homeless out in the streets I would have no place to go please pray on my family will always be a support in the time of trouble that they will fight for my rights they will protect me my rights and they will speak out for me but I'm in trouble in the group home please where I don't lose my house please pray for my pet mouses the God will protect them and watch over them and keep them safe from harm from cruelness people try to hurt and kill them and there is increases in their God's creatures please pray for their safety their protection in the home they put baits out but poison out to kill them in their innocent they don't deserve to suffer like we don't deserve to suffer please pray that God will protect and watch over them and keep them safe in the home they make Loving Care in pets and it'll deserve to suffering you don't deserve to be taught you please pray that God will watch over them God will protect me and my family and watch over me and my family keep me in my family safe from home violence and trusty that God will look out for me and my family please pray that God will keep my sister safe when she's driving in a car she has been in an accident like I will watch over her and keep her safe when she's on the road amen ️

Received: April 20, 2024

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