I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.

Gina Orlando

Please join me in this prayer seeking Gods mercy for All of us in Jesus name. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we come to you in humility and reverence, asking for your mercy and protection. We acknowledge our sins and ask for forgiveness, knowing that you are a God of grace and mercy willing to forgive us when we repent. Help us to cast off our pride and turn to you, so that we may be cleansed of our sins.

We know you are loving and just and show mercy and compassion to those seeking it. We trust you, knowing you will protect us from harm and lead us in righteousness. Help us rely on your strength and guidance each day so we may live our lives to honor and glorify your name.

We thank you for all the blessings in our lives and the promise of eternity with you. Amen.

Received: August 5, 2024

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