Prayer Requests

The Prayer Ministry is a group of Prayer Warriors who intercede in prayer for the needs of others, the church and our nation. The vision of our senior pastor is to pray for the healing and salvation of colleagues, friends and family and our nation on a continuous basis through intercessory prayer. Prayer Warriors pray with a purpose for everything. These are dedicated individuals that have been called by God; servants always in the background. They serve an important role: the need for prayer 24/7.
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I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Please pray for my family. My mother has mental issues that are destroying her marriage. She is a chronic liar and cannot tell the truth.Her husband is not much better, he has so much unforgiveness in his heart for her that they live in a very toxic environment. They have been married for 12 years and have been fighting for 12 years Unfortunately, due to financial issues they can't afford to live separately. This is a burden on me because everything there is an argument they call me and disrupt my peace.They have ruined their lives and now they are working on ruining mine.They don't care how much they dump on me and it is starting to affect my health. I already take care of my biological father who is in a nursing ho.e and I have an adult so. Who has Autism. I work full-time and my job requires a lot from me.Please pray for me that I am able to financially support my Mom once her marriage is over.I do t want her to live with me because it will further destroy my mental health. She has no boundaries and she doesn't care who she hurts.I need HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE PRAY THAT I GET THE FINANCES I NEED TO MAKE SURE SHE CAN LIVE IN A SAFE PLACE.I truly appreciate your prayers.

Received: April 25, 2024

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